A lot of people now a days have all but forgotten about the film medium of photography. It is considered the OLD standard by most and antiquated by others. Though there are some such as myself that really enjoy the look and feel of film, most people are now children of the digital age. They shoot with DSLR's, which don't get me wrong are very nice and have a lot of advantages over film, but I for one just love film more.
Sure with a DSLR I wouldn't have to wait for the film to be developed, I could look at pictures instantly and know exactly what I took, and I wouldn't have to spend continuous money on film. However, the main reason I didn't start off with a DSLR and still don't have one is the price. Getting a nice camera body, lens's, and other equipment will run you over $500 and could easily go over $1000.
However my old Pentax film SLR from 1993 still takes just as good pictures as almost any DSLR that I have seen. Sure there is the usual grain associated with film but to me that just adds a little bit of personality to the pictures. Part of the fun for me as well is getting the photo's back from being developed. Every time I get a new batch of photo's developed I can't wait to get home and put the CD in my computer (I never get prints, just scanned onto a disk) and look over what I got. I feel like a kid on Christmas morning.
I love photography in general, and film especially. I don't know where this hobby is going but I am going to pursue it as far as I can. Wish me luck!